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FINEXUS: Center for Financial Networks and Sustainability


The FINEXUS Center is entirely self-funded. All the researchers are typically funded by Swiss SNF or EU projects grants. Current grants include:

  1. Swiss National Science Foundation Professorship grant no. PP00P1-172890. Total budget: over CHF 1,500,000. Topic: Systemic Risk and Financial Networks.
  2. CLIMEX: "Climate Exposure Tool for Financial Risk Analysis", FET Innovation Launchpad grant no. 851876. UZH budget: EUR 62000,00 approx. Duration: 2019-2020. Topic: Financial Risk Analysis, Climate - Finance, Stress - Testing.

Past funding sources:

  1. BigDataFinance: “Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management”, Marie Curie Innovative Training Network grant no. 675044. UZH budget: EUR 530,000. Duration 2016-2019. Topic: Doctoral training of 15 researchers at the crossroad of Finance and Big Data. For this project, the Chair of Professor Battiston hosted two of 13 fellows.
  2. OpenMaker: H2020- grant no. 687941. UZH budget: EUR 130,000. Duration 2016-2019. Topic: social innovation in real and financial sector.
  3. ISIGROWTH: H2020 grant no. 649186. UZH budget: EUR 350,000. Duration 2015 – 2018. Topics: financial innovation and real economy growth, inequality.
  4. SIMPOL: FP7-FET grant no. 610704. Total budget EUR 1.8M. UZH budget: EUR 330,000. Duration Nov 2013 - Feb 2017. Topics: Financial networks, climate-finance and networks of influence in the policy process.
  5. SEIMETRICS: H2020-FET grant no. 649982. UZH budget: EUR 110,000. Duration 2015 – 2018. Topics: metrics to account for climate impact of portfolio investments.
  6. FINREALNETS: Individual Fellowship, Call: H2020-MSCA-IF-2015, grant no. 704936. Funds received: EUR 45,000 approx. Topic: Financial and Real Sector Networks in Europe.
